The 2021 Asiagraphics (AG) Life Time Achievement Award was presented to Prof. Qunsheng Peng from Zhejiang University, China. The winner of this award was selected by the award jury chaired by Prof. Ming Lin (UMD College Park) and Prof. Leif Kobbelt (RWTH Aachen).

Qunsheng Peng

Prof. Qunsheng Peng is a professor in the State Key Lab of CAD&CG, Zhejiang University. He has got involved in the study of computer graphics for 40 years. His research interests include realistic image synthesis, virtual reality, bio-molecule graphics and scientific visualization. He proposed a space indexing technique for fast ray tracing on Eurographis 1987 and extended the classic radiosity approach to non-diffuse surfaces on ACM SIGGRAPH 1988. He also jointly proposed a unified illumination model which received the best paper award of the journal of Computer & Graphics for the period of 1988-1989. In his career, he authored and coauthored more than five hundred journal and conference papers, including ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM VRST, ICCV, Eurographics, CGI, Pacific Graphics, etc. He published 6 books and translated 2 world classic text books. He is one of the founders of the State Key Lab of CAD &CG, Zhejiang University and the founder of Chinagraph conferences. As a professor, he directed more than 60 Ph.D students most of whom now become the leading professionals in their fields. As one pioneer of computer graphics in China, he also put great effort in promoting the international cooperations with CG colleagues in the world. Owing to his persistent contribution, he received both Chinagraph CG Achievements Award (2000) and Chinagraph CG Outstanding Contribution Award (2018).